
Some time ago, I developed a sharp pain in my left upper arm when lifting my arm up. Things like hanging up washing, waving, and other normal daily tasks were painful. I attended a very good physiotherapist every week for several months and the improvement was slight. I couldn’t do any upper body exercises in the gym and as time went on it became very frustrating and limiting. I started doing some research into other therapies and came across ART. I made an appointment to see Doug and after the first session there was at least a 50% improvement. I couldn’t believe it and I was sceptical. However, after 5 or 6 sessions the problem has all but disappeared. But what has impressed me more is the strength that I have regained – I didn’t realise how weak the injury was making me. I can now exercise normally and Doug has given me exercises which are simple to follow and build strength where I need it. Unconsciously my posture has changed because of the improved range of movement in my shoulder. I would highly recommend this form of physical therapy for anyone, regardless of the type of injury or pain.
— Noreen Fahy, Dublin.

Plantar fasciitis is very debilitating and wears you down over time.
I spent over two years looking for a cure.
I tried ultrasound, many different orthotics (including ones custom fitted for me), exercises & stretches, steroid injections, laser treatment, MBT shoes, all for at least three months at a time to ensure each treatment got a fair shot.
Doug initially did physical therapy, and it helped, but I never moved out of the pain barrier.
Then the discovery! Doug identified what the real problem was. In one session, I was sorted out.
Following morning, foot to floor and no pain! Went back to have the other foot checked. Have not seen Doug since!
Best comment…, my young son said, Dad never knew you could run, eerie, he was right because up to then it was not possible! Thankfully that’s now history.
— Brendan, Dublin.

I only have praise and recommendations for Doug @the SPTC. He is a true professional with a thorough practical knowledge of his field and beyond; all of which contributes greatly to his excellent skills, style of treatment & experience and which more importantly give the right results. His style of treatment really works well for me with sporting injuries I might pick up and a recurring neck/shoulder injury. I know that I am in the right hands when its needed and that he will target & treat the source of an injury within a session or two!! Thanks Doug!!
— Ciara Roe

I had been having severe pains with my feet, back and shoulders for a very long time.
I have attended so many Therapists around the world who have helped me but never really got to the cause of my pains and discomfort.
I was lucky enough to travel allot due to my involvement in sailing in the Olympic Games, I came across many different types of treatment modalities but none have been as effective as the ART treatment given by Doug.
A relative told me about Doug and what he had done for his foot problems and that I should give him a call.
I attended his clinic for two months and cannot believe the freedom and movement I have in both my shoulders and hips. At the age of 77 years old I thought it was normal to live with pain every day, not any more.
I can highly recommend Doug as he is an excellent Physical Therapist.
Ken Ryan (Dublin)
— Ken Ryan